Monday, December 9, 2013

Backsliding 101

Image c/o: cyclonebill

So....I caved this weekend and ate both meat and dairy products, which I am paying for today. Last week was Finals Week and I was so glad it was over that I ate at Chick-fil-A on Thursday night and then I bought hot wings and TWO pints of ice cream on Saturday. TWO PINTS.

There is no excuse for this. I was just eating terribly. And my stomach knows it. I've felt sick ever since. So - If you stop eating meat and dairy products and then have a binge, take my will feel abominable afterward.

I do have good news to report, though. I went to the gym last night with some friends and I had a blast! That was literally the first time I'd been in a gym in over a year and a half and it felt like going home I'm planning to go a few times a week and I'm finally finished nursing our one-year-old, so there should be some actual progress from here out. If I stop eating pints of ice cream, that is.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Let's Talk about Sugar

Image c/o: Fritzs

Did you know that adult women are only supposed to consume 5 teaspoons of added sugar per day? I didn't. But a new report from Rodale News explains the latest sugar consumption recommendations from the American Heart Association.

It turns out that the daily sugar intake recommendations are as follows:

Adult women - 20 grams per day (5 teaspoons)
Adult men - 36 grams per day (9 teaspoons)
Children - 12 grams per day (3 teaspoons)

Now you may be thinking, as I was, "I don't eat five teaspoons of added sugar per day!" However, after reading the article, I can almost guarantee that you do. For comparison, a single piece of whole wheat bread has 5 grams of added sugar in it. A SINGLE PIECE. A bowl of Corn Flakes has 6 grams in it. Not Frosted Flakes. Corn Flakes. In fact, many adults are consuming their complete daily requirement of sugar at breakfast, which means that the sugar we eat throughout the rest of the day is over the limit.

So...I'm going to be making even more adjustments to my diet. From previous experience, I can tell you that it is possible to be an unhealthy vegan, because a lot of junk food is actually made without animal products. This time around, though, I'm going to get serious about kicking my sugar addiction as well.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Free YouTube Workouts

Hey everyone! As you may know, a big part of my weight loss journey has to do with my distaste for exercise. Once I get started exercising, I usually like it. It's the getting started part that's the problem. The good thing is that I love to dance and there are a lot of great dance workouts out there.

If you don't want to spend any money or if you'd rather not pay for a workout DVD before you know if you like it, you can always check out some of the free workouts on YouTube. I'm partial to African dance and reggaeton, but there are also a lot of free strength training workouts on there.

Here are a few of the workouts that I'll be trying out this month:

 This one looks like it's going to kick my behind.

 I've tried Zumba before, but I've never done a Persian version. (Hey, that rhymes!)

I love Pilates. I just don't do it enough.

So....who's up for trying these with me this month? If we get started now, we won't have to panic on January 1. :)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Week 1 Weigh In

Hi everyone! You probably thought I forgot about this blog, didn't you? Well, I didn't. I did get super busy though. We went through a major employment shift during the spring and then I started college in the summer and...yeah.

Anyway, things are kind of calming down now and I'll be weaning our almost one-year-old by year's end, so it's time to get serious about my health again. As of today, my weight is 160 pounds. That's five pounds less than last month, but I'm 5'3", so that's still not good.

I'm glad to say that I'll be posting here weekly with some of our vegetarian and vegan recipes, as well as some fitness plans we're trying out around here. As for our present diet, we're eating vegetarian and we're probably about 80 percent vegan. We still eat eggs and honey and, on occasion, we'll eat processed food that has dry milk in it. But hopefully over the next few weeks, we'll be able to return to full veganism.

Feel free to come along with us and share your healthy eating and exercise tips!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 6: My Morning Smoothie

Every morning that the hubs and I work out, we follow it up with a delicious morning smoothie. Thought I'd share the recipe with you guys in case you wanted to try it out too....

1 1/2 cup almond milk
1 scoop Spiru-Tein protein powder (Right now, we're using vanilla but we'll be trying out chocolate next.)
1 whole banana
2 heaping tablespoons peanut butter
2 ice cubes
2 handfuls of spinach

Blend and pour into two tall glasses. That's it!

If you've never had spinach in a smoothie before, trust me. You really do not taste it at all. It just adds more minerals and turns the drink green. :) If you don't like soy protein powder, you can always replace the Spiru-Tein with whey or hemp protein powder instead.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 5: Cardio Survival Report

As you might recall, I've been doing the All-Cardio Challenge from BackonPointe this week. Well, here I am to tell you how much it sucked on the first day.

I have not jumped rope since I was in grade school. For some reason, I remembered it as being easier than it actually is. At first, I had to do the jump skip, where you jump over the rope one leg at a time. Then I tried to jump with both feet and my legs literally felt like lead. I truly felt like I was going to collapse in a heap when I landed. Those 30 seconds could not go by fast enough.

The other exercises weren't that awful...until after the water break. I did okay getting through the first few exercises in the second set, but when I got down to the last 30 seconds of high knees, I thought my heart would burst out of my chest. Originally when I planned to do this workout with hubs, I pictured us leisurely walking down our cul-de-sac afterward, cooling down and talking about our plans for the day together.

Ha! As soon as I dropped my last high knee, I plopped down on our driveway. When I did manage to get up, it was to walk into the house so I could collapse on the living room floor. I laid there for about 10 minutes, catching my breath. I felt fat and out of shape and just generally terrible. But - here's the thing - I felt great the rest of the day, albeit starving.

The real trouble started the next day, when delayed onset soreness kicked in. When I tell y'all that I was walking like a penguin, I am not joking. Anytime I sat down for 30 minutes or more, I could barely stand up afterward. Not fun. But I got up and did Couch25K day 1 anyway. And it wasn't that awful!

Wednesday, it was back to the All-Cardio Challenge and I was miserable at first. The first set of jumping jacks almost killed me. But that got easier as the routine went on. I was actually able to cool off and walk afterward!

Thursday I overslept and did nothing all day. I ended up feeling awful - sluggish, bloated, and overweight. That was also the first day that I had coffee this week. It's also why this post is just getting published now.

*Note to self: Exercise makes the whole day go better!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 4: Gone Shopping

I made my first trip to the store on Sunday to get ready for this week of veggie eating. My goal was to spend just $100 on groceries for this week. After I visited both Publix and Kroger, my total was $100.89. So close.

Here's a rundown of my shopping list:

Dry pasta
Vegetarian vegetable soup
Flour tortillas
Corn tortillas
Olive oil
Sour cream
Raw almonds
Vegetable bouillon
Light salad dressing
Artichoke hearts
Grated Parmesan
Frozen vegetable mix
Yellow squash
Zucchini squash
Dry kidney beans
Dry black beans
Daiya mozzarella vegan cheese
Tofurky "Turkey" deli slices
Tofurky brat "sausages"
White corn
White mushrooms
Sweet onions
Sweet potatoes
Multigrain bread
Large eggs
Peanut butter
Picante sauce

Not bad, right? A lot of that stuff was on sale. Summer is a really great time for getting cheap produce. I'll be planning a trip to our international farmer's market soon, where I should get a chance to really clean up. Come back later on and find out how our first week of vegetarian meals turned out!